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Registering to Vote and Voting
The most important piece for democracy is an active and educated base of voters. Want to find out how to register? Need to check if your voting information is up-to-date? Curious about where to vote in your local upcoming elections?
If you live in Chicago, visit the Chicago Board of Elections website.
If you live in Suburban Cook County, visit the Cook County Clerk’s website.
Government Accountability
Voting alone is not enough to make government respond to the needs of the public, it requires active individual participation and public community mobilization.
Members in Calumet City are currently demanding a halt on unfair water rate increases, elimination of excessive late fees, and a fix to the lack of proper notice through creation of accessible language documents. They are gathering petition signatures and conducting public meetings.
Want to sign on to the petition or get involved? Contact Christian Zamarron – 773-297-3370.